Amatl (Amate):
This word means "paper made from bark" (using Ficus Insipida and Mulberry trees) in the Nahuatl language and is the name given to Amate paper, a traditional Mexican handicraft since the 1960's. The history of Amate paper dates back to a time when the Aztecs presented it as a tribute. It was also used for civil and ceremonial clothing, for writing codices, as bracelets, hoops in a traditional ballgame and as cut paper in the shape of trapezoids on which symbols of the gods were painted.

 The techniques utilized in producing and painting Amate paper have evolved over the years. Amate paper is now used in creating decorative objects and on many applied crafts.

Tule is made from boiling bulrush, sedge stalks similar to cattails harvested from marshland near ponds and rivers.


Wayne Stevens is an artist born in Corpus Christi, who lived in Austin for 25 years, and San Antonio for the last 6 years. While traveling in Mexico he became interested in the indigenous art of paper making and its possible uses as a sculpture medium. After studying the process, and collaborating with several other artist, he started this project to produce these unique handmade pieces on Amate and Tule.